Monday, February 13, 2012

0.0 Understanding System Center End Point Protection

Application Description: Microsoft SCCM 2012 integrates with System Center End Point Protection (SCEP) to provide end to end capability to manage anti-virus client installation, policy updates, and definition updates.
The key aspects of SCEP integration with SCCM include:
  1. Setup End Point Protection Server
  2. Configure and Install SCEP Client Agent
  3. Configure and Install SCEP Antimalware Policies
  4. Configure and Install Antivirus Definition
  5. Validate SCEP Settings on Client
  6. Configure Alerts in SCEP

This guide is created with the following intention:
  1. Give an understanding of HOW SCEP WORKS at tandem with SCCM 2012
  2. What considerations do SECURITY TEAMS need to validate while configuring SCEP
  3. What considerations do SCCM EXPERTS need to validate while configuring SCEP
  4. Give an understanding of HOW TO CONFIGURE SCEP end to end with SCCM 2012

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