Application Description: Microsoft SCCM 2012 integrates with System Center End Point Protection (SCEP) to provide end to end capability to manage anti-virus client installation, policy updates, and definition updates.
The key aspects of SCEP integration with SCCM include:
- Setup End Point Protection Server
- Configure and Install SCEP Client Agent
- Configure and Install SCEP Antimalware Policies
- Configure and Install Antivirus Definition
- Validate SCEP Settings on Client
- Configure Alerts in SCEP
This guide is created with the following intention:
- Give an understanding of HOW SCEP WORKS at tandem with SCCM 2012
- What considerations do SECURITY TEAMS need to validate while configuring SCEP
- What considerations do SCCM EXPERTS need to validate while configuring SCEP
- Give an understanding of HOW TO CONFIGURE SCEP end to end with SCCM 2012
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