Thursday, August 2, 2012

How to fix the System Center Portal if it does not show up the published Service Offerings

This is one of the most common issues while installing the SCSM portal and there could be multiple reasons why the SCSM portal may not show up the service requests.
Here is a collation of all the fixes you should try to come out of trouble:
Start with the 5 basic checks suggested by Travis Wright MSFT

1)      The Request Offering Published property must be ‘Published’
2)      The Request Offering must be included in a Service Offering
3)      The Service Offering that includes the Request Offering must have the Published property equal to ‘Published’
4)      The Service Offering must be included in a Category (list). The Category list can be edited in the Lists view. It’s called ‘Service Offering Category’.
5)      The Service Offering Language must match the language of the browser you are using to connect with. A common mistake is to choose ‘English’ as the language when you are connecting with a ‘English (United States)’ browser.
6)      If this does not fix the issue, then make sure that appropriate permission is set in SCSM for users to view the self-service portal. Refer to the blog by Duncan Lindquist.
If still this does not fix the issue, then there may be an issue with the configuration of the portal. Check the following solution proposed by Jesper - Kristensen.
Snapshot of the solution from the blog:
1. The webpart and the webservices cant be installed on the same server.
2. When installing the Webpart you must use a FQDN for the webservice including the port
Example: dont work as webservice url but does work
3. When you install it like this you also need goto the server where the webservice is installed and edit the web.config file in the contenthost application with the fqdn.
I used the default location so my web.config file is placed at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\System Center Service Manager Portal\ContentHost\Web.config
Edit from
<add key="ContentHostAbsoluteUri" value="https://SCSM01:443/ContentHost" />
<add key="ContentHostAbsoluteUri" value="" />
7)      Do an IISReset after implementing the solution suggested above and try to access the web portal again.
8)      If you are still having the issue, then the issue may be with the certificate. There is a strong possibility that the certificate selected while installing the SCSMWebContentServer and Service Manager Portal was faulty. Check the following blog from Stefan Koell.
9)      The blog only suggests fixing the certificate for Service Manager Portal, but you should perform the same steps for SCSMWebContentServer as well.
10)   Do another IISRESET and try to access the portal.

All credits to the authors of the blogs. Also, if your issue is still not resolved, then leave a comment so that I can try to repro your issue.


  1. I am in the middle of trying to re-install the Portal now... But prior to doing so, I sort of had it working. The problem was that If I accessed the SMPortal, I got a certificate error (expected), but the webparts would show a blank white pages.

    But if I access the base URL, and accepted the certificate error there, and the re-accessed the SMPortal (in the same session), the webparts worked.

    Any ideas?

    1. Hi Anonymous, I had the same issue. Did you try this fix:

    2. It Evangelist: How To Fix The System Center Portal If It Does Not Show Up The Published Service Offerings >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      It Evangelist: How To Fix The System Center Portal If It Does Not Show Up The Published Service Offerings >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      It Evangelist: How To Fix The System Center Portal If It Does Not Show Up The Published Service Offerings >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK xr

  2. This didn't work for me .I used IIS to issue the self signed certificate (FQDN).When I checked the web config file I found that the value did not change , so I went ahead and manually changed it .
    Upon checking further , I found that in the General Section of the certificate the Issue to and Issued by value is the same which is the FQDN of the server , and I am suspecting this the problem . Any help or pointers will be highly appreciated ...

    The below is context from this article

    "To view the properties of a certificate, you add the Certificates snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). When you examine the certificate, the value in the “Issued to” field represents the URL that you must use when you are accessing the SharePoint website server, and the value in the “Issued to” field must match the URL that the your browser will use to connect to the web content server. The value in the “Issued by” field represents the CA that issued this certificate, and it must trace back to the trusted root."

  3. It worked . I also had to make the changes in the webcontentserver part in iis ( I changed the binding to use the new/correct certificate FQDN one )

    Thanks again for the post

  4. Nice Post, One more thing - you have to store your Request offering and Service offering in correct MP. For example if you are creating Incident Request offering you have to store this request offering and service offering in the same management pack as you stored Incident Template that you are using for your Request offering. This worked for me.

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